The goal of scientific integrative medicine is to offer effective and non-invasive treatment methods that align with natural principles. This encourages healthful living, while lessening the environmental impact of modern medicine on the planet. One of these treatment modalities, acupuncture, has undergone extensive veterinary research during the past 40 years. By stimulating specific areas of the patient, acupuncture has been shown to release the body’s own natural healing substances, such as neuropeptides and endorphins. In 2015, the American Animal Hospital Association stated, “There is a solid and still growing body of evidence for the use of acupuncture for the treatment of pain in veterinary medicine, to the extent that it is now an accepted treatment modality for painful animals.” Other common uses for acupuncture include immune related dysfunction, non-infectious inflammation, and geriatric medicine, all of which are treated with only modest success by conventional methods.
Unlike the case with humans, animal acupuncturists must first be licensed doctors. At North Saucon Animal Hospital, Dr. Michelle Parsons has completed additional training to become a certified acupuncturist. Dr. Parsons will integrate the best of both eastern and western medicine in an effort to optimize your pet’s well-being.